An IFPG Consultant sent Fibrenew another terrific candidate. From the very beginning, the candidate from Barnesville, Georgia, loved everything he heard about Fibrenew, the leaders in repairing & restoring leather, plastic & vinyl, but most importantly “that everywhere you look, you see work everywhere.”
The IFPG Consultant had excellent communication throughout the Fibrenew 5 Step process! The Ride Day, where a candidate spends a day in the field with a selected owner, was his favorite part of our 5 Step Discovery Process. He really experienced an actual day in the life of a franchise owner and was impressed with the results of the products and service.
The candidate comes to Fibrenew with a wealth of business experience, from working in retail management, operating a bread route for Sara Lee, and finally, the last 10 years owning a franchise in mosquito control. He realized that he could not keep up with the physical work that was necessary for owning that type of franchise business. He participated in the Fibrenew process, did his validation calls, and loved what he heard from the owners. Doing the Ride Day confirmed his decision. The icing on the cake was the very strong family culture, not only evident through the validation calls, but through every member of the Fibrenew development team! Terry was awarded the franchise after Fibrenew President, Jesse Johnstone, reviewed the Ride Day assessment. He will be operating his business in the Barnesville, Georgia market.
Congratulations on a job well done!