Consultant News

An IFPG Consultant's Candidate is Awarded A Second Mosquito Hunters Franchise!

This outstanding candidate was awarded his first Mosquito Hunters Franchise in September 2021!  He was so impressed by the training, support, and results of the corporate-managed marketing and sales process that he came back for more.  After only six months in business, he purchased a neighboring territory doubling down on his bet with Mosquito Hunters!

“Congratulations to the IFPG Consultant on yet another Mosquito Hunters deal and for picking up an additional territory commission. There is no better validation a franchisor can have than to see an existing owner coming back for more!!” 

Mosquito Hunters has grown to more than 120 locations and almost 90 franchisees across 27 states nationwide!  Mosquito Hunters is the dream business come true: low cost of entry, home-based, turn-key marketing programs, in-house sales center, and much more! If your candidate is looking for work-life balance, a seasonal business that allows for flexibility, a business they can run with a spouse or partner, or perhaps a prosperous bolt on, this could be an ideal fit!

Congratulations on a job well done!