Consultant News

An IFPG Consultant's Candidate Starts A Business With A Mission

An IFPG Consultant's candidate is a futures trader and has been since 2006. His wife worked at Northern Trust Bank for 15 years until their son was born and since then she has been supporting all of their family members. They believe that the NOW is a good fit for them because she loved the look and feel of The NOW right away and would be a client if not given the opportunity to own a location. Their family relocated from Chicago to Florida 2 years ago and being able to work in a beachy environment while helping people and filling a need checks all of their boxes.

Their main objective with owning a NOW is to provide for their family. Provide a spot in their community where people will feel better about themselves and fall in love with the NOW. Empowering employees and loving where they work.

"We are so excited for our NOW journey! We couldn't have dreamed of a better franchise brand or partner to be with.' - Franchisee

The NOW a massage boutique is a lifestyle brand that provides a space to escape the daily pressures of life. Founded on the idea of being in the moment, The NOW fills the void in the market for a high-quality, affordable massage in a serene oasis setting—without the need to commit to the whole spa experience. Each boutique offers a thoughtfully crafted menu that puts the individual front and center. From soothing add-ons to crystal healing, to herbal heat therapy, clients enjoy a customizable luxury experience that doesn’t break the bank. The NOW has differentiated itself from the key competition by connecting with the 147 million untapped Gen Z & Millennial generations through fresh, empowering messaging. With a proven concept and stunning key business metrics showing AUV of $2.4M, The NOW has extensive potential - scale-able, the potential for semi-absentee ownership, reasonable cost of entry, & the opportunity to secure great territory!

Congratulations on a job well done!