Consultant News

Door Renew Franchise Awards 7 New Territories in Utah

Door Renew Franchise

The IFPG Consultant Candidate had experience owning a cooking oil filtration franchise and wanted an additional source of revenue – to help build a path to retirement. He'd become intrigued by Door Renew's Absentee/Investor model and its lack of organized competition, like what he'd seen in his existing business.

The Candidate had grown to like Door Renew's premium service and saw a clear market differentiation strategy at play. He viewed Door Renew as a niche market that could be easily addressed, yielding solid margins. He was particularly drawn to Door Renew's Absentee/Investor model. He is excited to launch Door Renew in Salt Lake City, Utah!

"I've enjoyed learning about Door Renew's business and am eager to get launched…and hope to begin preparations by the end of the year!" -IFPG Consultant Candidate.

Door Renew is a much-needed business in a space with a lack of organized competition that franchisees can take advantage of to dominate their market. Rhino 7 sees the need for the brand and owns the Raleigh/Durham, NC market themselves for Door Renew.