Consultant News

Grand Welcome Franchise Awards 4 Territories to IFPG Member

This IFPG Consultant's candidate is young and ambitious and started his career working in sales for an insurance agency. He was responsible for everything from cold calling to closing. His family built a local Carpet & Tile company that was recently acquired for $40 million. He transitioned to working for the family 5 years ago and is now in charge of all major accounts with the family business. With the acquisition, he is eager to start building a new business, which led him to Grand Welcome. 

He became very excited about the Grand Welcome opportunity as he had always had an interest in real estate as his mother is one of the top Real Estate Brokers in Fort Lauderdale. He also invited his father and mentor responsible for building the family business to the process and became a big fan of the opportunity. He plans to run and operate the business himself. He has a very strong local network and has housekeeping and maintenance vendors already in mind that he plans to leverage. He also loves the idea of the corporate sales/marketing help, he believes the combination of their help plus his experience building his sales team he is more than confident in his ability to grow the market.

He is excited to have the Grand Welcome team handle most of the digital/back-end processes while they take care of everything boots on the ground. 

“We are wide open in terms of territory and will be attentive to the needs of the clients.  We have a great franchise program and we are in our infancy with so much room to grow.  We love working with our referral partners and want to pay large commissions!  We are not scared to award large territories to the right candidates either!  We also have a fantastic franchising team!” -Kevin Drudge

Congratulations on a job well done!