Consultant News

GYMGUYZ Franchise Dream Fulfilled by IFPG Consultant

An IFPG Consultant's candidate focused primarily on complicated concepts starting in Aerospace, morphed into Oil and Gas, and most recently landed in the world of Artificial Intelligence. His passion for fitness returned when finding some like-minded people a couple of years ago to help provide accountability and encouragement that quickly progressed from a 10K up through a half-marathon. Working out had always been fun, but it soon became an integral part of a stress relief routine as well as that renewed enjoyment.

When the IFPG Consultant presented GYMGUYZ to him, he was excited. This fitness career has come up before, but was dismissed as too good of a thing to possibly come true, so now that it has come around again it only makes sense to dive in before missing it again! He was awarded a Franchise in Southwest Houston.

"At GYMGUYZ, we know one thing for sure: people will always want to look and feel good and are willing to pay for the proper coaches to help them reach their health and fitness goals. That’s why we created a new category within the fitness industry by bringing the gym to our clients."

Congratulations to ALL on a job well done!