Consultant News

Senior Care Authority Franchise Expansion - Franchise News

Senior Care Authority Franchise

The IFPG Consultant Candidate worked in the Human Service/Healthcare business for 40 years, spending the last 28 in executive leadership roles. He has worked the gamut of human services, including child welfare, juvenile justice, special education, people with disabilities, and behavioral health. After a long career, he sought a new opportunity to start up and run a consulting and service-based business without the need for managing employees.

The Candidate's primary goal was to find a business that he could be passionate about and feel good about the work he is doing every day - purpose-driven. The IFPG Consultant helped him navigate franchise concepts, and he ultimately settled into discovery with Senior Care Authority. The discovery process went smoothly and consistently, with the Candidate doing his due diligence.

The Candidate is a natural networker with strong leadership skills and a long career in executive roles. He has a passion for the senior population and a desire to help others. SCA fits his desire to run a purpose-driven business that gives back to a vulnerable population.

"Opening this new business with Senior Care Authority is not just about offering services; it's about building a sense of trust and camaraderie with the seniors and their families. Senior Care Authority has all of the resources I need to support the Seniors and their families. I believe every Senior deserves the opportunity to enjoy a vibrant and fulfilling life in a place they call home. I will guide Seniors through this important chapter in their lives, fostering lasting relationships and being a trusted partner in their journey," -IFPG Consultant Candidate.

Senior Care Authority is a low-cost, low-risk, work-from-home office concept with 97% franchisee satisfaction for seven years in a row.* (*Top 200 Satisfied Franchise Award- Franchise Business Review). Their franchise owners provide guidance for families and their loved ones, including locating the best long-term living options and eldercare consulting services.
In addition to offering Placement Assistance Services, Senior Care Authority has other EXCLUSIVE revenue streams:
1. Placement Services: SCA helps families locate the best places to live and receive proper care for seniors. Franchisees are directly compensated by Assisted Living facilities (not the families in need) for placement services.
2. Exclusive Eldercare Consulting: Franchisees also generate revenue, privately paid by families, to provide them with advocacy and guidance in navigating the complex US healthcare system.
3. Exclusive Beyond Driving with Dignity Program: Services to help seniors with diminished driving skills.
4. Exclusive EASE - Employee Assistance Solutions for Eldercare - Services providing comprehensive eldercare benefits for employers/employees.