Bill King

Bill King

Bill King has spent 23 years as a Franchise Consultant and more than 30 in franchising. He founded the Axxiom Franchise Advisors broker organization in 2006 and ultimately merged it with IFPG because of IFPG’s fair and equitable membership-based business model. Knowing this structure best serves candidates, Bill happily joined IFPG and has become one of its most influential and respected members.

He serves as Chair of the IFPG Ethics Committee and is known for his commitment to virtuous business practices. Bill brings executive-level sales and marketing experience along with his knowledge of franchising. His global, corporate, and entrepreneurial experience has proved invaluable to franchisee candidates. By recognizing and understanding the changing dynamics of today’s marketplace, he has exposed many executives to new industries and career opportunities in franchising.

Bill’s humble persona and approachable demeanor have driven IFPG’s family-like culture. His love of franchising and enthusiasm for its opportunities is contagious. He is ever-present at IFPG events and always happy to share his wisdom and lend a hand. Bill is a valuable mentor to new Consultants and has been a major contributor to the warm and welcoming environment that IFPG is known for.

Bill’s Insights on IFPG

IFPG has taken an unprecedented leadership position with our Code of Ethics. Every Consultant’s membership is dependent on ethical and professional conduct beyond reproach. For example, every part of our consultant training process makes it very clear that having a conversation about earnings claims be avoided completely. Loss of membership and legal litigation are the severe consequences of this indiscriminate behavior.

Because of IFPG’s extensive training, membership requirements, diversity of offerings, and, most importantly, a sustained culture of unmatched professional standards and leadership examples, IFPG stands tall above every other franchise broker group.