Consultant News

The Alloy Personal Training Franchise Awards Three Territories!

This IFPG Consultant's candidate has a background in engineering and has worked in many roles at a high level in top-performing companies. She has been a part-time fitness enthusiast throughout and will now be able to realize her dream of making a living at something she loves with Alloy Personal Fitness.

This franchisee in N. Atlanta has amazing organizational/management skills from her time working in high-performing companies. She also has a passion for fitness and has worked as a part-time fitness instructor for many years.

She is in the age category which is targeted by Alloy (45-65 yrs old). That along with her experience in the fitness industry revealed the gap in the market for the Alloy offering. She was also impressed by their 30-year track record in the industry.

"Alloy has identified a real gap in the fitness market. The segment of the population is underserved by the current fitness offerings. I should know because I'm one of them:) I can't wait to get started!" said the franchisee.

"We have a relatively low investment opportunity and a quick, solid return. Candidates will be thankful for the introduction to Alloy because we'll treat your candidates well throughout the process. Also, we can close deals, so you can get paid :). Ultimately, Alloy gives your clients an excellent chance to succeed so that you can leave a legacy of success and thus receive more referrals." said Rick Mayo when asked why IFPG Consultants should show the brand.

Congratulations on a job well done!