Consultant News

Fetch! Pet Care Franchise Secures 3 Territories Deals in CA

Fetch! Pet Care Franchise

In just 48 days, this IFPG Consultant Candidate joined Fetch! Pet Care and secured 3 territories in Clara County, California. Within 30 days of training completion, the Candidate launched, employing W2 animal-loving staff backed by comprehensive insurance and bonding. In addition to completing the discovery processes, he really embraced all the informative webinars that Fetch puts on each month.

He was impressed with the CEO's involvement with every step of the processes and his over 40 years of global franchise experience. His decision was further influenced by his wife's positive experiences with Fetch! Pet Care as a satisfied customer for their cat "Kippling". He comes from a background in economic analysis and held notable positions at PayPal and Microsoft.

The Candidate is motivated by a recent layoff at Supercell Video Games and was intent on finding a new business. His drive for passive income, strong family values, and genuine affection for pets harmonize with the Fetch! Pet Care managed service model. His macroeconomic insight into the pet industry solidified his decision.

Guided by the IFPG Consultant, he was introduced to the Franchisee Investor (absentee) managed services franchise model offered by Fetch. This managed services model allows him to own a franchise business for minimal time input.